Welcome, SSL!

It’s been long overdue… techslaves.org is now SSL-enabled (and the default) thanks to Dreamhost‘s super-simple support for Let’s Encrypt!

For ages, I rebelled against the Certificate Authority trust model, which I perceive as a racket. Let’s Encrypt essentially plays the same game, but with slightly different rules.

I believe privacy is important. It’s not everything, but it’s important. Encryption is a tool that attempts to implement digital privacy, with varying degrees of success. Algorithms can and often do have flaws and crypto is hard. Really hard. Or so I’m told. Or the encryption is circumvented instead, which appears far more common. Even so, this here is about the best we’ve ever had it. Let’s Encrypt provides anyyone with the means to enable modern SSL without monetary cost or painful renewal processes.

A Tiny Milestone For techslaves.org!

techslaves.org hit a tiny milestone today: Over 3000 page views in one month (October)!

That’s pretty darn insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a milestone for techslaves.org none-the-less. Of course, the vast majority of traffic is related to the iSight Disabler AppleScript but I’m still happy to see that traffic to techslaves.org is increasing in a fairly consistent fashion since the site’s format change and move to WordPress.

Also not surprising is that techslaves.org seems to get more views the more I post. There were 8 posts in october (the most since moving to WordPress in March) and also the most views. Seems like I should keep posting regularly to increase the number of eyeballs on techslaves.org.

Although 3000 page views in one month is nothing, it still makes me happy. Thanks for making me happy readers and iSight Disabler downloaders!