A Correction

I need to make a small correction.

In my last post, “Interesting New Developements…“, I mentioned how AIGLX and DRI weren’t working with LDM. Turns out, if I use LDM_DIRECTX=true in lts.conf, that was indeed the case. But if I was using LDM_DIRECTX=false I would receive proper software rendering support reported by glxinfo instead of that BadRequest problem I had with the direct X option. I still haven’t figured out why but I’m sure it’s related to the SSH tunnelling involved in the non-direct X11 connection.

Also, I ragged on LDM quite a bit. Despite the perceived shortcomings, those interface issues can be resolved over time and I hope they will be because the real meat of LDM seems to work pretty well.

Interesting New Developments…

There have been some interesting new developments lately! Here’s a shrunken summary.

At present I’m doing a technology review for implementing a new terminal server. Our existing terminal server is a 4-way AMD Opteron 848 system that’s about 5 years old right now. It runs CentOS 4 and has been so mega-customized over those 5 years, I’ve never wanted to go through the pain of in-place upgrading to CentOS 5. We also have a simple IBM 1U server running Windows 2003 Server for windows purposes. It’s ok but also about 5 years old.

The idea is to roll both these servers into a large single physical server with some kind of virtualization. The large system would also have the resources to run other VMs, as necessary. Development/test boxes or what not.

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Yet Another AoE vs. iSCSI Opinion (YAAVIO)

That’s right, folks! Yet another asshole blogger here, sharing his AoE (ATA over Ethernet) vs. iSCSI (Internet SCSI) opinion with the world!

As if there wasn’t already enough discussion surrounding AoE vs. iSCSI in mailing lists, forums and blogs, I am going to add more baseless opinion to the existing overwhelming heap of information on the subject. I’m sure this will be lost in the noise but after having implemented AoE with CORAID devices and iSCSI with an IBM (well, LSI) device and iSCSI with software targets in the past I feel I finally have something share.

This isn’t a technical analysis. I’m not dissecting the protocols nor am I suggesting implementation of either protocol for your project. What I am doing is sharing some of my experiences and observations simply because I can. Read on, brave souls.

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